Privacy Policy
Dear user,
This policy is intended to describe the management methods of the website (hereinafter also "the Site") with reference to the processing of personal data of visitors and / or users (hereinafter also "Data") who consult it and / or who access the services of the Site, pursuant to European legislation on the protection of personal data, EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter also "GDPR"), as well as the applicable national legislation, without prejudice to the changes and adaptations that will become necessary as a result of European or national legislative interventions and / or provisions of the supervisory authorities subsequent to this one.
Petramar Srl, Data Controller (hereinafter also "the Company" or "the Data Controller"), in line with the GDPR and the national legislation for the protection of privacy, intends to guarantee the privacy and security of the personal data of each visitor / user consistently with the provisions of this policy.
Unless otherwise specified, this policy is also intended as information - pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 - provided to those who interact with the services offered by the site accessible electronically from the https address. : //
It should be noted that this information is provided only for the site and not also for third-party websites accessible through hyperlinks (links) contained on the Site.
Petramar Srl will only process the data you have provided, with the express exclusion of any particular data provided for by art. 9 paragraph 1 of the GDPR.
The Data Controller is Petramar Srl Unipersonale, VAT number 02364080990, ; with registered office in Via Val Sugana 5M, Genoa.
The data collected and processed by the Data Controller are data of a personal nature of the interested parties, i.e. information through which a subject can be identified as a natural person (for example: name, surname, date of birth, residential address, e-mail address) email, telephone number, etc.) and may include, with prior consent, other information such as, for example, spending habits.
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow the computers that connect to the site to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's computer environment. These data could be made available to the judiciary and police forces to ascertain responsibility in the event of offenses committed through the site or computer crimes against the site.
Data provided voluntarily by Users
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data to access specific services, such as, for example, the request for information to the e-mail addresses indicated, telephone to have direct contact with the Data Controller, make requests for information through the appropriate channels of the Site (eg contact us form) or the compilation of product order forms, entail the subsequent acquisition of the user's personal data.
Data relating to unregistered Users
The information generated by users who visit the site without being registered yet (or, despite being registered, who do not have an active session), and used to allow the user an optimal navigation of the website, for statistical analysis and for the personalization of contents - including advertising - could be used, at different times, to integrate the information provided by the User at the registration site. For more information on the technologies that allow us to offer you the services described so far, please read our Cookie Policy.
Registered User Data
The site uses technologies that allow it, thanks to the query of an ID (in alphanumeric form), to track the navigation of registered users who access the site from various browsers or from different devices (eg computer, tablet, smartphone ), in order to present to the same users products similar to those viewed or purchased.
When registered Users give their consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes, may process data relating to the operations and views they have performed on the site to inform them via e-mail that produced by placed in the cart, but not yet purchased, they are still available (allowing them to complete the purchase quickly and safely). When registered users give their consent to the processing of data for profiling purposes, may process data relating to their consumption choices (i.e. object of purchases and amounts spent), to adjust what as much as possible the commercial offer to their profile and their needs.
The User registers by filling out the registration form and providing his Personal Data directly to the site.
Your data, in particular, will be processed by the Company for:
a) manage a request for contact / information from the user;
b) fulfill the obligations established by laws, regulations, national and community legislation, orders and prescriptions of the competent Authorities;
c) prevent fraudulent or harmful activities for the site and exercise the rights of the owner such as, for example, the right to defense in court;
d) allow navigation on the site and data processing to perform statistical analysis in anonymous and aggregate form;
e) the stipulation and execution of the contractual relationship
f) carry out administrative and accounting obligations, such as accounting management as well as invoicing management (for example, checking and recording invoices);
g) respond to your requests and questions for product assistance;
The Data will also be processed to comply with provisions issued by legitimate authorities as well as to assert and / or defend the legitimate interests of the Data Controller in disputes and judicial proceedings.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data consists, for the purposes referred to in letter a) in the user's request, for the purposes referred to in letter b) in the fulfillment of a legal obligation, for the purposes referred to in letters c) and d) in pursuit of a legitimate interest of the owner, for the purposes referred to in letters e), f) and g) execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same.
Failure, partial or incorrect provision of your data will result in the Company's objective inability to establish or regularly conduct the existing contractual relationship or to respond to your requests (e.g. the Company will not be able to manage and execute your any orders).
Subject to specific consent and until its revocation, your personal data may also be processed for:
- commercial / promotional purposes (so-called "marketing" purposes), ie for sending promotional and commercial communications (including the "newsletter") relating to the products offered by Petramar Srl, with automated contact methods (such as sms, mms and e-mail) and traditional (such as telephone calls with operator and traditional mail);
- creation of profiles and analysis of preferences (so-called "profiling" purposes) on the data directly provided by you for the products purchased and / or for similar or connected services (profiling) in order to make personalized promotional / commercial communications relating to the products Petramar Srl;
It is understood that consent to the processing of your data for the aforementioned purposes is optional.
You are free to consent or not to profiling and may refuse to receive commercial / promotional communications at any time (any communication sent for this purpose will provide the information and means necessary for the refusal itself).
The provision of optional data is completely free and does not affect the use of the supply and management services of your orders. Therefore, in the event of any refusal to process for these purposes, the Data will be processed only for the purposes indicated in point 3.
The legal basis for the purposes of this point 4. is your consent.
Data processing is based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency; it may also be carried out through automated methods designed to store, manage and transmit them and will take place through technical and organizational measures adequate to guarantee, as far as reason and to the state of the art, security, confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience systems and services, through the use of suitable procedures that avoid the risk of loss, unauthorized access, illicit use and dissemination.
The Data collected for the purposes referred to in point 3 above will be kept for the entire duration of the contract and, after termination, for a period of 10 years. Once this retention period has elapsed, the Data will be deleted, unless certain needs arise that justify retention for a further period such as, for example, disputes still being defined.
For the sole purpose of answering your questions sent by email and through the contact form , the data will be processed until the request is processed and then deleted without prejudice to the possible establishment of the contractual relationship with the Data Controller.
The personal data processed by the Data Controller will not be disclosed, i.e. it will not be disclosed to indeterminate subjects, in any possible form, including that of making them available or simple consultation.
They may be communicated to workers who work for the Owner. In particular, on the basis of the roles and work duties performed, some employees of the Data Controller have been authorized to process personal data within the limits of their competences and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.
They may also be communicated, within the strictly necessary limits, to external subjects who collaborate with the Data Controller designated as Data Processors, to subjects who, for the purpose of processing orders or other requests or services relating to the contractual relationship with the Data Controller, must provide goods and / or perform services or services on behalf of the Owner (for example legal, tax, IT and other professional consultancy companies, couriers). They may be communicated to Banks and Credit Institutions for the management of collections and payments and for any requests for credit / credit lines. Furthermore, they may be communicated to other natural or legal persons who may need to be involved for the accomplishment of the purposes described above. Finally, they may be communicated to the subjects entitled to access it by virtue of the provisions of the law, regulations, community regulations.
Apart from the aforementioned cases, personal data will not be disclosed, disseminated, sold or otherwise transferred to third parties for illegal purposes or purposes not connected to the purposes of the collection and, in any case, without making suitable information to the interested parties and acquiring their consent, where required by law.
The data may be transferred to non-EU countries. If the transfer takes place to countries with respect to which the European Commission has not adopted an adequacy decision pursuant to art. 45 of the GDPR, it will take place after the adoption of the other guarantees referred to in articles. 46 and 47 of the GDPR or in the presence of one of the exceptions referred to in art. 49 of the GDPR.
The Site uses cookies, as better specified in the Cookie Policy .
The Data Controller informs you that, as an interested party, if the limitations provided by law do not apply, you have the right to:
a) ask for confirmation as to whether or not personal data is being processed;
b) access their personal data, obtaining evidence of the purposes pursued by the Data Controller, the categories of data involved, the recipients to whom they may be communicated, the applicable retention period, the existence of automated decision-making processes;
c) obtain without delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him and the relative notification to those to whom the data were eventually transmitted;
d) obtain, in the cases provided for, the cancellation of their data and the relative notification to those to whom the data were eventually transmitted;
e) obtain the limitation of the processing, when foreseen;
f) oppose the processing of personal data, when possible;
g) request and obtain the portability of personal data in the established cases and in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, also to transmit such data to another owner, within the limits of the material feasibility of the operation and the costs to be to sustain;
h) lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR. The contacts of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data are available on the website ;
i) propose a judicial appeal against a legally binding decision of the Supervisory Authority referred to in the previous point (Article 78 of the GDPR);
l) propose a judicial appeal if it considers that its rights have been violated following a processing (Article 79 GDPR).
You can exercise your rights by writing to the address or e-mail address of the Company, the Data Controller, listed below.
The data controller of your data is Petramar Srl, with registered office in Via Val Sugana 5M, Genoa.
For any information and / or requests relating to the processing of your data, or to exercise your rights, you can contact the Data Controller by writing to the e-mail address:
The Data Controller reserves the right to modify, supplement or periodically update this information in compliance with the applicable legislation or the measures adopted by the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data, therefore we invite you to periodically consult this page. For this purpose, this information highlights the update date.
Last updated: April 27, 2020

Divisione Bandiere
Petramar è in grado di produrre e realizzare ogni tipo di bandiera: del mondo, istituzionale, mercantile, a vela, a goccia oppure personalizzate. Completa l’offerta una vasta gamma di accessori: aste da interno ed esterno, supporti, astine, puntali, pomoli e lance.

Divisione navale
La divisione navale è specializzata nella produzione ditendalini per scialuppe di salvataggio, cappe ecoperture in PVCsu misura. Inoltre vendiamo cappottine e tendalini per imbarcazioni da diporto, cinture di salvataggio, segnali di lontananza ed ancore galleggianti.

Divisione Visual
I prodotti per la comunicazione visiva vantono la stretta collaborazione di partner specializzati e permetterà di produrre e offrire sistemi modulari in tessuto ed alluminio per fiere ed esposizioni, eventi, punti vendita, musei e prodotti per l’interior design. Dall’evento Corporate, alla scenografia per lo spettacolo della serata, all’allestimento di un ristorante, una hall, uno showroom, un ufficio, una fiera, un evento o un congresso.