Terms and Conditions of Sale
These general conditions of sale (hereinafter also Terms and Conditions of Sale) regulate the purchase of products made online through the website https://www.petramar.store/ (hereinafter also "the Site" or " the online store "). The products purchased on https://www.petramar.store/ are sold directly by Petramar Srl (hereinafter also "the Seller") company governed by Italian law, with registered office in Genoa, Via Val Sugana 5M, registered in the Register of companies of Genoa under number GE-480640, with share capital equal to Euro 10,000.00 VAT number 02364080990 Tax Code 02364080990.
1. Our trade policy
1.1 The Seller offers the products for sale on https://www.petramar.store/ and carries out its e-commerce activity both towards "consumer" Customers (B2C), and towards "professional" Customers (B2B) .
1.2 Consumer means the natural person who purchases one or more products through the online store , for purposes not connected to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out.
1.3 Professional means the natural or legal person who purchases one or more products through the online store , acting in the exercise of his own business, commercial, craft or professional activity.
1.4 These Terms and Conditions of sale govern the offer, sending and acceptance of orders between the customers of https://www.petramar.store/ and the Seller. Where specified, the following Terms and Conditions of sale apply exclusively to the Consumer Customer and do not apply to the Professional Customer.
1.5 The Seller reserves the right not to process orders that are not duly completed in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of sale.
2. How to conclude the contract with the Seller
2.1 To conclude the purchase contract for one or more products on the Site, you will need to fill in the order form in electronic format and send it to the Seller, electronically, following the relative instructions.
2.2 The order form contains a summary of the information on the essential characteristics of each product ordered and the relative price (including all applicable taxes or duties), the payment methods that you can use to purchase each product and the delivery methods of the products purchased, of the shipping and delivery costs, of the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal and of the methods and times for returning the purchased goods.
2.3 The contract is concluded upon receipt by the Seller, electronically, of the order form, after verifying the correctness of the data relating to the order itself.
2.4 Before proceeding with the purchase of the products, you will be asked to carefully read these Terms and Conditions of sale.
2.5 The order form will be filed in our database for the period of time necessary to process the orders and in any case in accordance with the law. You will be able to view your order form by accessing your codes in the reserved area of the Site.
2.6 The Seller may not process your purchase orders in the event of non-receipt of the payment bank transfer or non-receipt of payment via PayPal or if these are incomplete or incorrect or in the event of unavailability of the products. If the products presented on the Site are no longer available or on sale at the time of your last access to the site or when the order form is sent, it will be the Seller's responsibility to notify you, within thirty (30) days from the day following that in which you have sent your order to the Seller, any unavailability of the products ordered. In case of forwarding of the order form and payment of the price, the Seller will refund the amount already paid by you.
2.7 With the electronic transmission of the order form, you unconditionally accept and undertake to observe, in relations with the Seller, these Terms and Conditions of sale. If you do not agree with some of the terms set out in these Terms and Conditions of sale, please do not submit the order form for the purchase of products on the Site.
2.8 By submitting the order form, you confirm that you know and accept the Terms and Conditions of Sale and the additional information contained on the Site, also referred to via links, including the Privacy Policy and, if you are a Consumer Customer, the Information on the Right to Withdrawal.
2.9 Once the contract is concluded, the Seller will send you, by e-mail, a receipt of the purchase order, containing a summary of the information already contained in the order form. You will be able to view the order receipt and the related invoice or receipt by logging in with your codes in the reserved area of the Site.
3. Guarantees and indication of product prices
3.1 The essential characteristics of the products are presented on the Site within each product sheet. However, the images and colors of the products offered for sale on the Site may not correspond to the real ones due to the Internet browser and monitor used.
3.2 The Seller does not sell second-hand products, flawed products or products of lower quality than the corresponding standards offered on the market.
3.3 The Seller, in case of exercising your right of withdrawal, has the right not to accept the return of products that have been altered in their essential and qualitative characteristics or that have been damaged.
3.4 Product prices may vary. Make sure of the final sale price before submitting the relevant order form.
3.5 The Seller accepts orders only and exclusively for the Italian territory. Any orders for countries other than Italy cannot be accepted by the Seller.
3.6 The shipment of the products takes place within ten (10) working days from the date of payment of the order, by express courier (delivery within 24 / 72h from the date of shipment). The Seller assumes no responsibility for any non-fulfillment by the carrier / courier (eg delays in the delivery of the products ordered, damage to the products during transport). In any case, the signature of the acceptance / delivery of the goods with the affixing of the reserve clause to check the integrity of the products is a condition for any complaint (specifying the reason for the reserve). Therefore, we invite you to accept the package by affixing the reserve clause to check the integrity of the products and to keep the relative proof.
4. Payments
4.1 The final price of your order is inclusive of VAT, packaging and packaging and shipping.
4.2 To pay the price of the products and the relative shipping costs, you will follow the methods indicated in the order form.
4.3 In case of payment by Paypal (with PayPal account or credit card) or by bank transfer, the financial information will be forwarded to Paypal or to the Seller's bank, which provide the relative payment services, without third parties being able, in any way, have access to it. Furthermore, this information will never be used by the Seller except to complete the purchase operations and in the event of refunds being issued, following the exercise of your right of withdrawal and relative return of the products, or if it is necessary to prevent or report to the police forces the commission of fraud on the Site.
4.4 If you use PayPal, the price for the purchase of the products and the shipping costs, as indicated in the order form, will be charged to you at the time of the order. In the case of payment by bank transfer, we will provide you with the details of the bank account on which to make the payment.
5. Right of withdrawal
5.1 If you are a Consumer Customer, you have the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Seller, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within fourteen (14) working days, from the day of receipt of the products purchased on the Site, by giving notice to the Seller. .
5.2 To withdraw from the contract you will need to specify the products purchased, the relative order number, your identification data and bank details (holder and C / C number, ABI, CAB, CIN), or the PayPal identification number, for the refund of the amount paid for the purchase of the products. You must return the products to the Seller who must receive them within fourteen (14) working days from when you received the products.
5.3 The shipping costs for the delivery to the Seller of the purchased products will not be reimbursed. The return shipment, on the other hand, is free, if you decide to use our courier. If, on the other hand, you decide to use a different courier, the return shipping costs will be at your expense.
5.4 The right of withdrawal is however subject, in addition to the conditions specified in the previous points, also to the following conditions:
- The waybill must be correctly filled in;
- The right of withdrawal applies only to goods intact at the time of return;
- The products must not have been used, modified or damaged;
- The products must be returned in a single shipment to the Seller;
- Products must be returned in their original packaging;
- The Seller must receive the returned products within fourteen (14) working days from the date of delivery of the order.
5.5 In the event that the withdrawal is exercised in accordance with the above conditions, the Seller will refund the customer the entire sum collected for the purchase of the products, within fourteen (14) days from the date on which the Seller came to knowledge of the exercise of your right of withdrawal.
5.6 If the methods and terms for exercising the right of withdrawal are not respected, you will not be entitled to a refund of the sums already paid to the Seller; however, you will be able to get back, at your expense, the products in the state in which they were returned to the Seller. Otherwise, the Seller may keep the products, in addition to the sums already paid for their purchase.
6. Refund times and methods
After the return of the products, the Seller will make the necessary checks relating to their compliance with the conditions and terms indicated in paragraph 7. In the event that the checks are concluded positively, the Seller will send you, via e-mail, the relative confirmation of the acceptance of returned products.
7. Applicable law and dispute resolution
The Terms and Conditions of sale are governed by Italian law and, only for Consumer Customers, also by the legislative decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, and subsequent amendments and additions, on the consumer code, with specific reference to the legislation on distance contracts and the legislative decree 9 April 2003 n. 70 on certain aspects concerning electronic commerce.
For civil disputes concerning sales contracts concluded through the Site, if the Customer is a Consumer, the territorial jurisdiction is imperative to the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the Customer. In all other cases, the territorial jurisdiction is mandatorily vested in the Court of Genoa.
8. Modification and updating
The Terms and Conditions of Sale are modified from time to time, also in consideration of any changes to the laws. The new Terms and Conditions of Sale will be effective from the date of publication on the Site.

Divisione Bandiere
Petramar è in grado di produrre e realizzare ogni tipo di bandiera: del mondo, istituzionale, mercantile, a vela, a goccia oppure personalizzate. Completa l’offerta una vasta gamma di accessori: aste da interno ed esterno, supporti, astine, puntali, pomoli e lance.

Divisione navale
La divisione navale è specializzata nella produzione ditendalini per scialuppe di salvataggio, cappe ecoperture in PVCsu misura. Inoltre vendiamo cappottine e tendalini per imbarcazioni da diporto, cinture di salvataggio, segnali di lontananza ed ancore galleggianti.

Divisione Visual
I prodotti per la comunicazione visiva vantono la stretta collaborazione di partner specializzati e permetterà di produrre e offrire sistemi modulari in tessuto ed alluminio per fiere ed esposizioni, eventi, punti vendita, musei e prodotti per l’interior design. Dall’evento Corporate, alla scenografia per lo spettacolo della serata, all’allestimento di un ristorante, una hall, uno showroom, un ufficio, una fiera, un evento o un congresso.